Sunday, April 29, 2007


I've had no time to post, but I´ve been thinking of some quotations to post when I'm free (if such a thing happens)

Friday, April 13, 2007


Why don't you like my music!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sunday, April 08, 2007


I've decided to enable my first frustrated blog again. You can go to I haven't written a lot in it, and it, and I'vr got to decorate it yet

Saturday, April 07, 2007

Smells Like Teen Spirit Cover. Bt Tori Amos

Just one more!

1000 Oceans. By Tori Amos

Juárez (Live). By Tori Amos

This seems to be a tribute to those girls who died in Juaréz, México. But I might be wrong

Northern Lad (Live). By Tori Amos

Rainy Day

Yes it's raining outhere and I'm enclosed here in a café waiting for the rain to die out. I already printed my essay on "A Painful Case", but if I leave, I'm going to get drenched and so does my essay. What the hell! it's still raining, but the sun is out! what a weird weather!!

My family's come from Veracruz today, we thought they were going to arrive 'till tomorrow! They're going to stay here a whole week, which is good, but God only knows how are we going to sleep!

Thursday, April 05, 2007

True Love Waits (Live in Chicago). By Radiohead

Sorry, this is not the version I really wanted to post, this was the only available.

Thank You

Thanks everyone for your comments! It's good to know that you're all with me! I've finished my essay and I feel good because of that; it was like feeling a lot of sorrow and not being able to express it until you shout it all!

Wednesday, April 04, 2007


So I haven't slept since yesterday because I spent the whole night thinking of A Painfuil Case, but I'm so happy because I think I understood the story in its entirety. If I achieve cleaning this mental mess I've got, I'll post the essay

Sunday, April 01, 2007

Calling You (Line in NYC) George Michael feat. Lisa Stansfield

No sé si pueda

Es desesperante hallarme aquí sentado sin hacer nada, cuando veo como otros corren detrás de lo que buscan, o peor aún, cuando veo que lo han alcanzado (no se trata de envidia, para nada, creo que lo único bueno en mi es eso).

Quiero hacer algo diferente, algo que me deje satisfecho a mi y a quien me conoce (aunque dicen que no es posible satisfacer a toda la gente), bueno, no satisfacerlos... darles algo para.... no sé.... para que se den cuenta de mis (hasta ahora casi nulos) logros, es decir, ya no es suficiente con pertenecer a una buena escuela (como la mía), sino que hay que demostrar, dijera Gerardo, "de que estamos hechos".

Reflexiones como las suyas son las que, creo, definen quien triunfará en un futuro, o al menos, quien tiene la dsposición para hacerlo (esto no es un guallabazo,independientemente de mi amistad con ése tipo, creo que tiene las hagallas que a muchos nos faltan.