Friday, January 26, 2007

Day's Dawning.

I could scarcely open my eyes at five o' clock in the morning today. I got up as Icould, I was sleepy yet. It all took as twenty minutes. When finally I could stand up, I walked to the window through the darkness and I started looking for the lace to open the blinds but I couldn't find it. I found it only after... fifteen minutes. I opened the blinds and I Could see lots and lots of little yellow lights. I was watching the city from an eighth floor. It was beautiful.

I hadn't been able to sleep the whole damned night, and when finally I was getting asleep, I heard steps. My aunt was in the kitchen (I "slept" in the living room).

Note: I'm so sleepy right now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! so let's post a video. Gabriel (live) by Lamb (It hasn't got anything to do with.... well, you know)

What a beautiful song, what a beautiful voice, what a fucking beautiful girl!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And if you liked it, I'll post for you the studio version.

These clips are dedicated in their entirety to Denisse

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