Thursday, February 01, 2007

What the fuck???????!!!!!!!!!

Yes, believe it or not, guess what.... Vicente Fox Quesada is now an international lecturer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! He gave his first lecture the day before yesterday in Los Angeles, where he talked about his achievements as the president of Mexico. He also defended Latin America and, as usual, he showed his wide knowledge. He said: "America Latina debe huir de la dictadura perfecta, como lo dijo el Novel colombiano Mario Vargas Llosa".

Just can't believe it!!!! As some of you know, the writer is peruvian, and he's got the Spanish nationality. And he hasn't received the Novel yet.

Doesn't he know the shame? Now do they pay him for saying foolish things worldwide?

PS: He was paid 50,000 dollars for that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Source: La Jornada 31/01/07.

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