Cómo qué???
La verdad es que tanto andar de aquí para allá me ha secado el cerebro, además.... bah! nunca he tenido mucha imaginación. Aaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhh! No puedo escribir nada
Sunday, September 02, 2007
Monday, August 13, 2007
Sopa de emociones
Bueno. Hoy fue un día muy estresante -¿o será que perdí la costumbre?- Como sea, el panorama no parece se muy amable: me parece una monstruosidad lo que están haciendo con el Ágora. Así comenzó mi día; con una rabieta debida a la nueva techumbre, cuyo costo pudieron haber invertido en deshumidificadores. ¿No alcanza? ¡Solución! Recorten el salario a esos burócratas, ¡No, esperen, mejor recortenlos a ellos! así se matan dos pájaros de un tiro, ¿no?
En otro asunto, había olvidado -gracias a Dios- la pretensión a la que uno se somete en aquel lugar llamado Universisdad. Me da gusto estar de vuelta, pero como odio a todos esos que se creen no sé que. Por desgracia, mi clase de francés está casi llena de ellos, aunque hay un tipo de Letras Modernas ahí, es pocamadre. Creo que ya hice un amigo más.
Thursday, August 09, 2007
Por dónde comienzo? Matenme porque me muero
Son muchas cosas las que tengo que escribir y no sé por dónde comenzar: creo que primero externaré la rabia qu me produce no tener energía electrica desde ayer!!!!!!!! Hecho que se equilibra con la alegría material que me produjo ir por mi antología esta tarde.
Más solemnemente, quieroagradecer a todas las personas que omentaron mi última entrada. Muchisimas gracias por sus alentadores comentarios, la verdad es que no tengo palabras para expresar lo agradecido que estoy con todos ustedes. LOS AMOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (esto ya se puso cursi)
No escribí todo lo que quería, y lo que alcancé a escribir no lo hice como quería (ven?)
Genial! Ahora está lloviendo ): (Such a horrible fucknig day)
Más solemnemente, quieroagradecer a todas las personas que omentaron mi última entrada. Muchisimas gracias por sus alentadores comentarios, la verdad es que no tengo palabras para expresar lo agradecido que estoy con todos ustedes. LOS AMOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (esto ya se puso cursi)
No escribí todo lo que quería, y lo que alcancé a escribir no lo hice como quería (ven?)
Genial! Ahora está lloviendo ): (Such a horrible fucknig day)
Sunday, August 05, 2007
Viajes y sueños
Discutía mis planes con mi prima hoy por la tarde. Le dije todo lo que quería hacer y todo el trabajo que me costaría lograrlo. Ya saben, en un tono solemne dije: "Yo no me quiero quedar aquí, me quiero ir a Londres a hacer posgrado" (jajajaajaja). Sé lo complicado que eso es.
Me dijo que tal vez no esté preparado para el viaje: que necesitaba un buen nivel económico, y mucho temple, además de mejoras en mi inglés -de lo cual, no tengo nada aún. Pero que posiblemente, con más edad y experiencia pueda hacerlo; por ahora tendría que conformaerme con hacer posgrado aquí, con el fin de estar más y mejor preparado para aprvechar el viaje; lo que me hizo pensar que lo viajes de placer no existen.
No me gustaría ser un turista encerrado en un hotel -para encerrarme está la casa- y salir sólo a ver determinados lugares. Lo importante es vivir la vida del lugar. (pero aún estoy triste)
Me dijo que tal vez no esté preparado para el viaje: que necesitaba un buen nivel económico, y mucho temple, además de mejoras en mi inglés -de lo cual, no tengo nada aún. Pero que posiblemente, con más edad y experiencia pueda hacerlo; por ahora tendría que conformaerme con hacer posgrado aquí, con el fin de estar más y mejor preparado para aprvechar el viaje; lo que me hizo pensar que lo viajes de placer no existen.
No me gustaría ser un turista encerrado en un hotel -para encerrarme está la casa- y salir sólo a ver determinados lugares. Lo importante es vivir la vida del lugar. (pero aún estoy triste)
Tuesday, July 31, 2007
Sucedió lo imposible!
Hoy me levanté a la hora de siempre, esperando que fuera un día normal, de esos que han sucedido durante todo el aburrido aunque necesario periodo vacacional. Me senté a la mesa y me hice un sandwich que no me quitó el hambre. Acto seguido, fuí a la cocina, saqué un baso del lugar donde los guardan, abrí el refrigerador y saqué el jugo de piña; regresé a la mesa y me bebí el cartón -bueno, el contenido.
me encontraba en el trance que producen en mí los jugos, cuando el teléfono me sacó violentamente de él. Al contestar, entré nuevamente en trance, aunque esta vez no se debía al jugo, sino a que era la voz de Bere la que salía del teléfono!! Muy lindo detalle: "Sólo quería saludarte, saber cómo estás".
Cuando parece que ya nada puede sacarme del hoyo, llama o se aparece en persona.
Hoy me levanté a la hora de siempre, esperando que fuera un día normal, de esos que han sucedido durante todo el aburrido aunque necesario periodo vacacional. Me senté a la mesa y me hice un sandwich que no me quitó el hambre. Acto seguido, fuí a la cocina, saqué un baso del lugar donde los guardan, abrí el refrigerador y saqué el jugo de piña; regresé a la mesa y me bebí el cartón -bueno, el contenido.
me encontraba en el trance que producen en mí los jugos, cuando el teléfono me sacó violentamente de él. Al contestar, entré nuevamente en trance, aunque esta vez no se debía al jugo, sino a que era la voz de Bere la que salía del teléfono!! Muy lindo detalle: "Sólo quería saludarte, saber cómo estás".
Cuando parece que ya nada puede sacarme del hoyo, llama o se aparece en persona.
Saturday, July 28, 2007
Thursday, July 26, 2007
Hoy descubrí que la felicidad es como el agua que se va entre las manos.... uuffff... aunque esperemos que sólo sea otro ataque mío de paranoia (como ocurre la mayor parte del tiempo). Mientras descubrimos de qué se trata, dejaré esto y saldré a caminar en compañía del aire bajo la lluvia; quién sabe, tal vez visite a Bere....
"La felicidad, me está diciendo que hoy no soy feliz..."
"La felicidad, me está diciendo que hoy no soy feliz..."
Si, lo olvidé
Pues resulta que olvidé hablar de las copias de los ensayos que tengo en la PC... bueno, me dejaré de rodeos..... ME DA FLOJERA PASARLOS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (se siente mejor decir la verdad!)
Sunday, July 22, 2007
Sólo puedo decir que estoy muy feliz porque el día de ayer, después de mucho tiempo, volví a ver a mi amiga Bere (Ingrid); hecho que me llenó de incontenible felicidad y por eso, publico lo siguiente "Karmacoma". por Massive Attack y Tricky
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
¿Para enfermos y necesitados? (esta es sólo la parte de los enfermos...)
Mientras comía un buen panqué de nuéz, acompañado de un igualmente buen vaso con leche, esperaba la llegada del dios de los sueños a las 3:30 am. Como siempre, a esas horas de la madrugada, y después de un largo tiempo de lectura inútil, ya no encontraba nada mejor que hacer y mi cabeza daba vueltas: pensaba qué podría venir a escribir acá hoy, y eso me llevó a lo siguiente.
Un blog es el escaparate perfecto para los enfermos como yo, que encontramos cierto placer mórbido al experimentar la ansiedad que nos produce sentir que descubrimos un poco de la intimidad de quienes escriben..... (esperen una segunda parte porque ya se me olvidó lo demás)
Un blog es el escaparate perfecto para los enfermos como yo, que encontramos cierto placer mórbido al experimentar la ansiedad que nos produce sentir que descubrimos un poco de la intimidad de quienes escriben..... (esperen una segunda parte porque ya se me olvidó lo demás)
Sunday, July 15, 2007
No creen ustedes que existe algo detrás de la gente que conocemos? Es decir, porqué -por ejemplo- no me tocó a mi conocer a la amiga de la novia de mi amigo Boris (un saludo)? porqué a él no le tocó conocer a mi amigo Javier?? porqué yo lo conocí? porqué Boris conoció a sus amigos que yo no conozco?
Lo que intento decir es que nos cruzamos con gente que de una manera u otra influirán en nosotros desde el momento en que entramos en contacto con ellas. pero, por qué? Será importante en el futuro lo que dejen ellos en nosotros? Es decir, si, pero, sería posible que lográramos lo que hemos de lograr sin haberlos conocido? Está clarisimo que hay personas que dejan en nosotros un poco de ellos (saludos, Ely), pero, y los demás? Bueno, todos, absolutamente todos dejan algo, pero hayquienes definitivamente nos marcan, hay quienes con el paso del tiempo cobran importancia (quiero dejar en claro lo que siempre he dicho. NO ACOSTUBMBRO ESCALONAR A MIS AMIGOS). He perdido el hilo de lo que estaba diciendo, así que aquí lo dejaré por hoy. Sugerencias, comentarios, anecdotas o cualquier otra cosa son bienvenidos......
Lo que intento decir es que nos cruzamos con gente que de una manera u otra influirán en nosotros desde el momento en que entramos en contacto con ellas. pero, por qué? Será importante en el futuro lo que dejen ellos en nosotros? Es decir, si, pero, sería posible que lográramos lo que hemos de lograr sin haberlos conocido? Está clarisimo que hay personas que dejan en nosotros un poco de ellos (saludos, Ely), pero, y los demás? Bueno, todos, absolutamente todos dejan algo, pero hayquienes definitivamente nos marcan, hay quienes con el paso del tiempo cobran importancia (quiero dejar en claro lo que siempre he dicho. NO ACOSTUBMBRO ESCALONAR A MIS AMIGOS). He perdido el hilo de lo que estaba diciendo, así que aquí lo dejaré por hoy. Sugerencias, comentarios, anecdotas o cualquier otra cosa son bienvenidos......
Pues muchas felicidades a mi queridisima amiga Denisse, quien mañana cumplirá 20 años. Mis mejores deseos a ella!
Lectura y sentimiento
Pues no sé cómo sonará esto, pero creo que depende de lo que lea. Verás, cuando leo a Joyce, por ejemplo, siento satisfacción y seguridad de saber lo que estoy leyendo, cuando leí a Cortazar, sentí mucho morbo (clásico ya en mi).
En general, creo que es agradable saber que entiendes un texto y que descubres en él cosas nuevas, o cosas que ya habías pensado y confirmas con tal lectura. Éste último caso es aún más satisfactorio porque identifica tus ideas con las plasmadas en el texto, y con un poco de ingenuidad se cree "pienso lo mismo que el autor!"
Existe, por otro lado, esa sensación de vagar al leer. Esa donde uno cree entender ciertas partes aisladas del texto, pero siente fragilidad en su lectura, donde las ideas se escurren como agua entre los dedos. Últimamente he estado sintiendo eso, además de un miedo enorme al no tener elementos que me ayuden a interpretar lo que leo, porque, aunque los he leído, se me escurren de la mente y me quedo vacío. En vista de lo anterior, mi rotundo fracaso con la antología, he decidido estudiar algo de gramática del inglés....
En general, creo que es agradable saber que entiendes un texto y que descubres en él cosas nuevas, o cosas que ya habías pensado y confirmas con tal lectura. Éste último caso es aún más satisfactorio porque identifica tus ideas con las plasmadas en el texto, y con un poco de ingenuidad se cree "pienso lo mismo que el autor!"
Existe, por otro lado, esa sensación de vagar al leer. Esa donde uno cree entender ciertas partes aisladas del texto, pero siente fragilidad en su lectura, donde las ideas se escurren como agua entre los dedos. Últimamente he estado sintiendo eso, además de un miedo enorme al no tener elementos que me ayuden a interpretar lo que leo, porque, aunque los he leído, se me escurren de la mente y me quedo vacío. En vista de lo anterior, mi rotundo fracaso con la antología, he decidido estudiar algo de gramática del inglés....
Friday, July 13, 2007
Bueno, ante todo he de darte las gracias, no?
Ahora, terminé de leer toda la introducción, y cuando comenceé con Blake... es decir, leí todo lo que indicaba el temario de HL 2 aunque al decir verdad, fué una lectura muy vaga. Creeme, estoy haciendo todo lo que está a mi alcance, pero no puedo evitar entrar en panico y bloquearme. Desgraciadamente, no he podoido tomar apunte alguno para concretarmis ideas, eso no quiere decir que no lo haya intentado. Comencé con Blake, porque, además de ser el primero del temario, es el que "conozco" relativamente.
Hoy me daré a la tarea de, al menos, subrayar algunas cosas unteresantes de (mis copias de)la introducción para tener que comentar....
Ahora, terminé de leer toda la introducción, y cuando comenceé con Blake... es decir, leí todo lo que indicaba el temario de HL 2 aunque al decir verdad, fué una lectura muy vaga. Creeme, estoy haciendo todo lo que está a mi alcance, pero no puedo evitar entrar en panico y bloquearme. Desgraciadamente, no he podoido tomar apunte alguno para concretarmis ideas, eso no quiere decir que no lo haya intentado. Comencé con Blake, porque, además de ser el primero del temario, es el que "conozco" relativamente.
Hoy me daré a la tarea de, al menos, subrayar algunas cosas unteresantes de (mis copias de)la introducción para tener que comentar....
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
Denisse y el café
Por primera vez en mi vida he tenido una platica con.... no con una mujer, sino con la esencia de una; es decir, por primera vez alguien habla conmigo con total sinceridad sobre algo importante, lo hizo de una manera tan enfática que no supe que decir. Siempre creí que ellas guardaban esa clase de cosas para ellas mismas o sus amigas. Fue tan impresionante que mi descripción resulta bastante miserable, no es posible escribir sobre esto porque es pura esencia humana (creo yo). Sólo me queda decir GRACIAS POR EL CAFÉ....
Sunday, June 24, 2007
A prayer For England. By Massive Attack
In the name of
And by the power of
The holy spirit
May we invoke your
Intersession for
The children of england
And by the power of
The holy spirit
May we invoke your
Intersession for
The children of england
Some of whom have seen
Murder so obscene
Some of whom have been taken
Let not another child be slain
Let not another search be made in vain
Jah forgive us
For forgetting
Jah help us
We need more loving
See the teachers
Are representing you
So badly
That not many can see you
Let not another child be slain
Let not another search be made in vain
Jah calls the ones whos
Beliefs kill children too
Feel the love of you and be healed
And may we all cry too
For representing you
So badly so badly
Jah forgive us
For forgetting
Oh jah help us
To be forgiving
The teachers are representing you
So badly that not many can see you
Let not another child be slain
Let not another search be made in vain
Murder so obscene
Some of whom have been taken
Let not another child be slain
Let not another search be made in vain
Jah forgive us
For forgetting
Jah help us
We need more loving
See the teachers
Are representing you
So badly
That not many can see you
Let not another child be slain
Let not another search be made in vain
Jah calls the ones whos
Beliefs kill children too
Feel the love of you and be healed
And may we all cry too
For representing you
So badly so badly
Jah forgive us
For forgetting
Oh jah help us
To be forgiving
The teachers are representing you
So badly that not many can see you
Let not another child be slain
Let not another search be made in vain
Saturday, June 23, 2007
He vuelto!
Bueno, pues he vuelto después de un arduo y excesivamente corto semestre, aunque no como otras veces en las que regresaba completamente satisfecho conmigo mismo; ahora me siento un poco extraño así que he decidido olvidarme de las vacaciones y ponerme a leer durante las mismas.
Había comenzado con Proust, quien por cierto tiene una forma muy interesante de describir el periodo de vigilia por el que todos pasamos cuando despertamos. Es increíble la forma tan detallada y precisa en la que lo describe, la efímera desubicación temporal espacial en la que caemos, para después, en fracciones de segundo, volver a donde estábamos antes de dormir. Esto me hizo pensar que en el momento en el que nos despertamos somos totalmente humanos, desnudos de todo lo que nos reviste durante nuestras vidas, aunque sólo sea durante unos segundos, somos totalmente vulnerables -siempre lo somos, lo que sucede es que siempre lo escondemos- Creo que Marcel Proust es un gran conocedor de la naturaleza humana.... Pero bueno, no puedo ufanarme por haber leído las primeras 27 paginas de En busca del tiempo perdido así que me ufanaré cuando acabe.... (¿?). Espero poder escribir más seguido
Había comenzado con Proust, quien por cierto tiene una forma muy interesante de describir el periodo de vigilia por el que todos pasamos cuando despertamos. Es increíble la forma tan detallada y precisa en la que lo describe, la efímera desubicación temporal espacial en la que caemos, para después, en fracciones de segundo, volver a donde estábamos antes de dormir. Esto me hizo pensar que en el momento en el que nos despertamos somos totalmente humanos, desnudos de todo lo que nos reviste durante nuestras vidas, aunque sólo sea durante unos segundos, somos totalmente vulnerables -siempre lo somos, lo que sucede es que siempre lo escondemos- Creo que Marcel Proust es un gran conocedor de la naturaleza humana.... Pero bueno, no puedo ufanarme por haber leído las primeras 27 paginas de En busca del tiempo perdido así que me ufanaré cuando acabe.... (¿?). Espero poder escribir más seguido
Sunday, April 29, 2007
I've had no time to post, but I´ve been thinking of some quotations to post when I'm free (if such a thing happens)
Friday, April 13, 2007
Sunday, April 08, 2007
I've decided to enable my first frustrated blog again. You can go to alegriadelcronopio.blogspot.com. I haven't written a lot in it, and it, and I'vr got to decorate it yet
Saturday, April 07, 2007
Juárez (Live). By Tori Amos
This seems to be a tribute to those girls who died in Juaréz, México. But I might be wrong
Rainy Day
Yes it's raining outhere and I'm enclosed here in a café waiting for the rain to die out. I already printed my essay on "A Painful Case", but if I leave, I'm going to get drenched and so does my essay. What the hell! it's still raining, but the sun is out! what a weird weather!!
My family's come from Veracruz today, we thought they were going to arrive 'till tomorrow! They're going to stay here a whole week, which is good, but God only knows how are we going to sleep!
My family's come from Veracruz today, we thought they were going to arrive 'till tomorrow! They're going to stay here a whole week, which is good, but God only knows how are we going to sleep!
Thursday, April 05, 2007
True Love Waits (Live in Chicago). By Radiohead
Sorry, this is not the version I really wanted to post, this was the only available.
Thank You
Thanks everyone for your comments! It's good to know that you're all with me! I've finished my essay and I feel good because of that; it was like feeling a lot of sorrow and not being able to express it until you shout it all!
Wednesday, April 04, 2007
So I haven't slept since yesterday because I spent the whole night thinking of A Painfuil Case, but I'm so happy because I think I understood the story in its entirety. If I achieve cleaning this mental mess I've got, I'll post the essay
Sunday, April 01, 2007
No sé si pueda
Es desesperante hallarme aquí sentado sin hacer nada, cuando veo como otros corren detrás de lo que buscan, o peor aún, cuando veo que lo han alcanzado (no se trata de envidia, para nada, creo que lo único bueno en mi es eso).
Quiero hacer algo diferente, algo que me deje satisfecho a mi y a quien me conoce (aunque dicen que no es posible satisfacer a toda la gente), bueno, no satisfacerlos... darles algo para.... no sé.... para que se den cuenta de mis (hasta ahora casi nulos) logros, es decir, ya no es suficiente con pertenecer a una buena escuela (como la mía), sino que hay que demostrar, dijera Gerardo, "de que estamos hechos".
Reflexiones como las suyas son las que, creo, definen quien triunfará en un futuro, o al menos, quien tiene la dsposición para hacerlo (esto no es un guallabazo,independientemente de mi amistad con ése tipo, creo que tiene las hagallas que a muchos nos faltan.
Quiero hacer algo diferente, algo que me deje satisfecho a mi y a quien me conoce (aunque dicen que no es posible satisfacer a toda la gente), bueno, no satisfacerlos... darles algo para.... no sé.... para que se den cuenta de mis (hasta ahora casi nulos) logros, es decir, ya no es suficiente con pertenecer a una buena escuela (como la mía), sino que hay que demostrar, dijera Gerardo, "de que estamos hechos".
Reflexiones como las suyas son las que, creo, definen quien triunfará en un futuro, o al menos, quien tiene la dsposición para hacerlo (esto no es un guallabazo,independientemente de mi amistad con ése tipo, creo que tiene las hagallas que a muchos nos faltan.
Sunday, March 25, 2007
I would like to post a text which I wrote to hand in, but I want to wait and see my grade, then, if it is at least 8, I will post it. I don't want to be pretentious, I just want to fill this blog with something!
Saturday, March 24, 2007
Thanx Gerard
Having a word with Gerard today in the morning, I could see that he quite undersnds me, I think we both felt a moral hang over, but he did overtake it and I feel really good for that. I feel so good for that! Because I'm able to help my friends and it makes me feel useful, and I even feel I can replace a girl's love with the joy of helping, but when I'm on my own it is not enough and I feel empty
Home, sweet home
This has been a very strange weekend. After taking part in a race between buses (I was in one of them), finally I'm here
Monday, March 19, 2007
Pandora's Box
Debo conseguir algo que hacer (lo tengo, pero no lo hago, y si lo hago, no ayuda), por eso odio los puentes, porque me invade el ocio al punto de volver a abrir la caja de Pandora de mi correo electronico; es la carpeta donde guardo los correos que me han llegado más allá de la cabeza. Es como el costalito de cartas y papelitos que guardo desde la secundaria. Es lo que me mantiene humano entre tantas cosas que hay que hacer... el problema es que la abrí en el momento menos indicado (muchos sabrán porque), de hecho, mientras escribo esto, me lastimo leyendo el correo más significativo que guardo ahí (sin demeritar al resto).
Ahora necesito ayuda porque me he puesto a recordar cosas que no he olvidado y me duele si las veo desde el punto de mi vida donde me encuentro ahora (no hace falta preguntar).
He decidido escribir esto en español porque no quiero dejar lugar a dudas, es decir, mi inglés es muy rudimentario como para expresar lo que quiero decir en su totalidad, y como necesito ayuda, necesito que vean lo que pienso tal cual es.... se aceptan sugerencias
Ahora necesito ayuda porque me he puesto a recordar cosas que no he olvidado y me duele si las veo desde el punto de mi vida donde me encuentro ahora (no hace falta preguntar).
He decidido escribir esto en español porque no quiero dejar lugar a dudas, es decir, mi inglés es muy rudimentario como para expresar lo que quiero decir en su totalidad, y como necesito ayuda, necesito que vean lo que pienso tal cual es.... se aceptan sugerencias
Some words (Thanx Lupita)
I feel I've got nothing else to say, that's why I've been posting videos, but I think i've got enough vedeos so far, so I will start writing again.
I was about to cry when I read Lupis' answer to the e-mail I sent. I would really like to see her, because i think we do understand each other.
I went back in time, I remember when I leant out waiting for someone to come ; I used to spend hours there because I liked it (and so does her), but when I knew nobody was going to come I went to bed and I got asleep. When i was already sleeping, suddenly someone rang the bell and I jumped from my bed to the window and it was her; so I ran downstairs to let her in. I came out with my bare feet, I hurted them, but I didn't care. When we were in, we went upstairs to my bedroom and we spent the whole evening listening music. Then, finally she had to leave, so I walked her home and there we had some coffee. Then I left.
Thanx for everything Lupita.
I was about to cry when I read Lupis' answer to the e-mail I sent. I would really like to see her, because i think we do understand each other.
I went back in time, I remember when I leant out waiting for someone to come ; I used to spend hours there because I liked it (and so does her), but when I knew nobody was going to come I went to bed and I got asleep. When i was already sleeping, suddenly someone rang the bell and I jumped from my bed to the window and it was her; so I ran downstairs to let her in. I came out with my bare feet, I hurted them, but I didn't care. When we were in, we went upstairs to my bedroom and we spent the whole evening listening music. Then, finally she had to leave, so I walked her home and there we had some coffee. Then I left.
Thanx for everything Lupita.
Tuesday, March 13, 2007
Yes, I fgorgot Pessoa again, I really want to post him, but I'd like to do it calmly, to enjoy the posting.
These have been bad days. I'm so fucking blue, and so does the weather. Besides I realized my English is not as good as I thought. I'm not in the mood to write now. I've been feeling so blue during nights. I would really like to finish my degree as soon as possible and leave! I feel so fucking alone! In fact I am alone, I would really like to shout why buit I can't help me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I really need help!
These have been bad days. I'm so fucking blue, and so does the weather. Besides I realized my English is not as good as I thought. I'm not in the mood to write now. I've been feeling so blue during nights. I would really like to finish my degree as soon as possible and leave! I feel so fucking alone! In fact I am alone, I would really like to shout why buit I can't help me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I really need help!
Thursday, March 08, 2007
Non Posted Poems
I was going to post some poems by Fernando Pessoa today. I found the bok today, I was lookig for it long ago I thought it was lost, but it wasn't, but I didn't bring it today so it'll be tomorrow
Thursday, March 01, 2007
The Spring Effect?
Almost all of my friend have got a girlfriend, and it wouldn't be strange to me if I realize that they all... (you know, I don't want to write it again). But I'm happy for them. Unfortunately, the girl I love... It's too sad to write it, but some of you already know this stuff by heart. Victor (a friend of mine) was right when he told me that we both liked suffering, lots of friends have told me the same and I'm already accepting it
This is for those who think that love is necessary
This is for those who think that love is necessary
Monday, February 26, 2007
My apologies to all my friends there in the Edomex. because I couldn't attend to La Lupita's gig at Passao. I'm really sorry, I know I said I was going to go, but due to the school I couldn't be there. I already saw the photos and I really feel sad because you all were there but me. I'm sorry.
I'm quite happy today because Andrew liked the outline I did for my essay. I must admit I was completely lost, but now I know what to do. I already did my HW for next Monday! I'm also happy because I 've got some money and I swear I'm going to save at least $ 100 to cut my hair! I can't stand it anymore!
Finally I gave Ely her book, I hope she likes it!
Finally I gave Ely her book, I hope she likes it!
Saturday, February 24, 2007
Sunday, February 18, 2007
Two Comments On February 14th
"Parece que yo, yo hago del amor algo caprichoso e inmoral repecto a ti, sólo soy un cuentacuento y ahora estoy triste y mal"
"Ay que coño es el amor, esas parejas que se besan y se tocan..."
"Ay que coño es el amor, esas parejas que se besan y se tocan..."
Wednesday, February 14, 2007
Fragment Of My Final Essay On María Zambrano's El tiempo y los sueños (Chapter I. La vida. Sueño - vigilia).
Well, this is the first paragraph of my final essay for Iniciación a las investigaciones literarias I. Perhaps, I shouldn't feel that proud about it. Some of you may think it sucks but here I go.
La Vida: Sueño - (tiempo) - vigilia
La Vida es la conjunción del sueño, la vigilia y el tiempo. Este último se encuentra entre los dos elementos anteriores, aquí es donde se dsarrolla la vida individual, donde el sujeto existe; ahí transcurre su tiempo; días, meses, años, y con ellos, la experiencia; fruto del presente, de la efímera vigilia, efímera porque se presipita vertiginosamente hacia el olvido, el lugar donde avitan los sueños. Avismo del cual, sólo lo memorable puede ser salvado; salvado por el hombre. Es él quien selecciona a voluntad lo que ha de ser rescatado del olvido, avismando aquello de lo que puede prescindir (aquello que incluso, desea "ahogar en el olvido")* convirtiendo su círculo vital en una continuidad, conformada únicamente por los momentos memorables (por tanto, discontinua)* a la que llamará Vida. Durante este proceso, el individuo paulatínamente irá creando un reflejo de si. La Poesía.
Eduardo Massuttier. 14/09/06
*notes betweeen brackets were added to the moment of re-writing it.
NOTE: the punctuation may vary from the original writing. This is in order to give more emphasis to the writing.
La Vida: Sueño - (tiempo) - vigilia
La Vida es la conjunción del sueño, la vigilia y el tiempo. Este último se encuentra entre los dos elementos anteriores, aquí es donde se dsarrolla la vida individual, donde el sujeto existe; ahí transcurre su tiempo; días, meses, años, y con ellos, la experiencia; fruto del presente, de la efímera vigilia, efímera porque se presipita vertiginosamente hacia el olvido, el lugar donde avitan los sueños. Avismo del cual, sólo lo memorable puede ser salvado; salvado por el hombre. Es él quien selecciona a voluntad lo que ha de ser rescatado del olvido, avismando aquello de lo que puede prescindir (aquello que incluso, desea "ahogar en el olvido")* convirtiendo su círculo vital en una continuidad, conformada únicamente por los momentos memorables (por tanto, discontinua)* a la que llamará Vida. Durante este proceso, el individuo paulatínamente irá creando un reflejo de si. La Poesía.
Eduardo Massuttier. 14/09/06
*notes betweeen brackets were added to the moment of re-writing it.
NOTE: the punctuation may vary from the original writing. This is in order to give more emphasis to the writing.
The Term Has Begun
Sorry, I haven't been able to write because I've got no time. it's been just three days since the new term began and I already feel I've got lots and lots of things to do, but on the other hand, I must admit that it's been good to be back!
February 14th?
To be honest, I don't likedays like this, because everybody seems to be so hypocrite (well, nobody behaved this way with me). Thousands of couples walking, holding baloons in their hands and carrying every kind of flowers in their hands. In the tube, among thousands of people boys and girls carrying giantic baloons (how can they do that?) HATE IT!!!!!!!!!!!
February 14th?
To be honest, I don't likedays like this, because everybody seems to be so hypocrite (well, nobody behaved this way with me). Thousands of couples walking, holding baloons in their hands and carrying every kind of flowers in their hands. In the tube, among thousands of people boys and girls carrying giantic baloons (how can they do that?) HATE IT!!!!!!!!!!!
Saturday, February 10, 2007
Friday, February 09, 2007
Je T'Aime Moi Non Plus. By Brian Molko Live In Asia
Can't believe it!!!!!!!! Brian as a soloist!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thursday, February 08, 2007
Yes... I'm blue again. Sara (Escalante) left today, early in the morning; I couldn't see her, I last saw her yesterday and it was then when she told me she was going to leave. I miss her because I used to spend my whole evenings in her house....
Lupita is still here, she's her cosin; but it's been so long since I last saw her.
PS: thanx for the hot chocolate
Lupita is still here, she's her cosin; but it's been so long since I last saw her.
PS: thanx for the hot chocolate
Wednesday, February 07, 2007
Frustrated Blog!!!!!!!!!
I tried to create a new blog at Wordpress.com, but I didn't understand anything. In fact, I created it, but now I absolutely ignore how to post. Wordpress seem to be nicer but also harder!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I need help!!
Deleted Comment
Someone left a comment on English Weather, but then they deleted it. If the deleted comment's author is reading this post, please leave your comment again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
Tuesday, February 06, 2007
To Kill A Dead Man. By Portishead
Well, these are dedicated to my brother, who loves this band; in fact, he told me about them.
I posted both 'cos I think they're different...
Monday, February 05, 2007
English Weather
It's been so cold and rainy the last three days, my brother's at home right now and I feel quite good for that, though he seems to be leaving today, so I'll have nothing left to do but watching low-budget movies at home (dark cold home).
I down loaded some songs in this machine, but I cannot take them home! Fucking machine! Fucking tecnology! FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
PS: I hope weather improves
I down loaded some songs in this machine, but I cannot take them home! Fucking machine! Fucking tecnology! FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
PS: I hope weather improves
To Sara And Gerard
You know? I'm Waiting to go back to the DF in order to call her because I don't like to call here, dunno why. Well Sara, she's my friend since high school and it is going to be hard but who knows.... thank you both!
We both like the best music, the problem is that you cannot understand it (and it seems that you will never be able, but anyway I love you)! It is pure English rock!
We both like the best music, the problem is that you cannot understand it (and it seems that you will never be able, but anyway I love you)! It is pure English rock!
Friday, February 02, 2007
Thursday, February 01, 2007
What the fuck???????!!!!!!!!!
Yes, believe it or not, guess what.... Vicente Fox Quesada is now an international lecturer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! He gave his first lecture the day before yesterday in Los Angeles, where he talked about his achievements as the president of Mexico. He also defended Latin America and, as usual, he showed his wide knowledge. He said: "America Latina debe huir de la dictadura perfecta, como lo dijo el Novel colombiano Mario Vargas Llosa".
Just can't believe it!!!! As some of you know, the writer is peruvian, and he's got the Spanish nationality. And he hasn't received the Novel yet.
Doesn't he know the shame? Now do they pay him for saying foolish things worldwide?
PS: He was paid 50,000 dollars for that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Source: La Jornada 31/01/07.
Just can't believe it!!!! As some of you know, the writer is peruvian, and he's got the Spanish nationality. And he hasn't received the Novel yet.
Doesn't he know the shame? Now do they pay him for saying foolish things worldwide?
PS: He was paid 50,000 dollars for that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Source: La Jornada 31/01/07.
I'm so Happy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Today has been a beautiful day despite of the dusty wind that blew the whole noon because when I was about to buy an ice cream, a girl came in... she stared at me and I stared at her. I knew I had seen her anywhere but I couldn't remember. She slowly wishpered my name and... yes, it was her... I was speaking with Natalia after three years and a half. Now I've got thousands of memories messing up my head and a blue napkin with her name and her number written with her beautiful hand writing. The most beautiful napkin I've ever seen!!!!!!!!!!!!
Go Let It Out. By Oasis. Nice coat, isn't it?
Go Let It Out. By Oasis. Nice coat, isn't it?
I Don't Know....
I felt really happy because I saw my frends again! Yes, but there's something wrong with me. I think I'm losing time, I don't feel well; yesterday night, I couldn't write even a fucking single word because I feel so sad dunno why... (?)
I missed them all, it was good to see them again. It was so good to see Ely again after a long time ago, I miss them all, but Elizabeth is my closest friend and I really love her.
Well, everything seem to be getting better...
I missed them all, it was good to see them again. It was so good to see Ely again after a long time ago, I miss them all, but Elizabeth is my closest friend and I really love her.
Well, everything seem to be getting better...
Wednesday, January 31, 2007
Good/Bad News & Apologies
This time I won't post any video because this computer is so old that it won't play them.
Well, right now all my feelings are like a soup. I don't know how to feel because, firstly, this is the firs time I sit down on my own to write, there's no one else here but me and I feel sad (I'll tell you why). Oh! and I bought a Tori Amos CD with so-sad music that I'm listening right now.
Good News
I thought my English teacher hadn't uploaded my mark yet, but thanks to Elizabeth I realized that it was already there and, guess what.... I've got a 10 and not a 9 as she had told me before leaving! (:
Bad News
This 10 is not part of the third term. It decreases my average to 8.5. I returned to the average I got in the first term ): That's not it, everyone will be higher than me and it really hurts my pride (but it's deeper than that). But that's not it yet: the CD I bought doesn't contain the song I wanted.
We all know that I don't really deserve that 10. I'm so afraid about it because when I have to show why I've got a 10 perhaps I won't be able. I was already afraid of it with the 9 I had , but now it is worse.
Well, right now all my feelings are like a soup. I don't know how to feel because, firstly, this is the firs time I sit down on my own to write, there's no one else here but me and I feel sad (I'll tell you why). Oh! and I bought a Tori Amos CD with so-sad music that I'm listening right now.
Good News
I thought my English teacher hadn't uploaded my mark yet, but thanks to Elizabeth I realized that it was already there and, guess what.... I've got a 10 and not a 9 as she had told me before leaving! (:
Bad News
This 10 is not part of the third term. It decreases my average to 8.5. I returned to the average I got in the first term ): That's not it, everyone will be higher than me and it really hurts my pride (but it's deeper than that). But that's not it yet: the CD I bought doesn't contain the song I wanted.
We all know that I don't really deserve that 10. I'm so afraid about it because when I have to show why I've got a 10 perhaps I won't be able. I was already afraid of it with the 9 I had , but now it is worse.
Tuesday, January 30, 2007
We'll Move
Yes. I'm so sad. We will definitely move. I'm quite sad because I'll have to leave my whole life there, my friends, my life, my all!!!!!!!!! and my father doesn't care. In fact, he doesn't care because he will go to Pachuca, so it doesn't matter to him
Interview With Placebo I, II, III
This is like being in a fucking mall, the more you see, the more you wanna buy . But my problem is: the more I see, the more I want to post
Ever (Foreign Flag). By Team Sleep
This is Chino Moreno's soloist Project. Chino Moreno is currently vocalist of the Deftones
Pos-Inscription Syndrome
Now I`m hungry, sleepy, and Thirsty... but happy!
Oasis Stand By me Acoustic
Oasis Stand By me Acoustic
Si el hombre pudiera decir. By Luis Cernuda
Si el hombre pudiera decir lo que ama,
si el hombre pudiera levantar su amor por el cielo
como una nube en la luz;
si como muros que se derrumban,
para saludar la verdad erguida en medio,
pudiera derrumbar su cuerpo,
dejando sólo la verdad de su amor,
la verdad de sí mismo,
que no se llama gloria, fortuna o ambición,
sino amor o deseo,
yo sería aquel que imaginaba;
aquel que con su lengua, sus ojos y sus manos proclama ante los hombres la verdad ignorada,
la verdad de su amor verdadero.
Libertad no conozco sino la libertad de estar preso en alguien
cuyo nombre no puedo oír sin escalofrío;
alguien por quien me olvido de esta existencia mezquina
por quien el día y la noche son para mí lo que quiera,
y mi cuerpo y espíritu flotan en su cuerpo y espíritu
como leños perdidos que el mar anega o levanta
libremente, con la libertad del amor,
la única libertad que me exalta,la única libertad por que muero.
Tú justificas mi existencia:
si no te conozco, no he vivido;
si muero sin conocerte, no muero, porque no he vivido.
And... Prince's Nothing Compares 2U By Sinead O' Connor
Pre & Pos - Inscription Syndrome
Pre-Inscription Syndrome
Good morning evryone. You know? Yesterday I spent a very bad night, in fact, I didn't sleep at all. I wasn't even hungry. Today I didn't have anything for breakfast, I am nervous and I woke up at five o' clock in the morning. I feel so sick. I am the first customer of the place where I am.
Post-Inscription Syndrome
When it all is over I'll be so hungry, I'll feel so tiredand I'll be sleepy... but I'll be happy!
Oh! This guy is listening You Don't Care About Us
Good morning evryone. You know? Yesterday I spent a very bad night, in fact, I didn't sleep at all. I wasn't even hungry. Today I didn't have anything for breakfast, I am nervous and I woke up at five o' clock in the morning. I feel so sick. I am the first customer of the place where I am.
Post-Inscription Syndrome
When it all is over I'll be so hungry, I'll feel so tiredand I'll be sleepy... but I'll be happy!
Oh! This guy is listening You Don't Care About Us
Monday, January 29, 2007
And Again...
I want to thank Adyna for her messages. It's been good to be in touch with her
Note: x= kiss
Placebo again, Lady of the Flowers. Live at MTV Five Night Stand 1998. See ya!
Note: x= kiss
Placebo again, Lady of the Flowers. Live at MTV Five Night Stand 1998. See ya!
There Is No Time!
I haven't had time to post, I have to get used to the city and its neurosis again!
Every you, Every me. Placebo Live at MCM Cafe
Every you, Every me. Placebo Live at MCM Cafe
Saturday, January 27, 2007
Is She Ill?
Today I found a Coke bottle behind the cupboard... mum hid it from me!!! I know!!! But D'yer know what's funny about this stuff? Mum had sworn she wasn't going to drink Coke anymore (ha ha ha) so showing his support to her mortal decision, dad started buying different kinds of beverages (also by the coca-cola company, by the way)and mum didn't seeem to care.
When I found this bottle, I knew that she wasn't onlyhidding it from me, but she was also hidding it from my father. I couldn't avoid laugh so loudly!!!!!!!!!
When I found this bottle, I knew that she wasn't onlyhidding it from me, but she was also hidding it from my father. I couldn't avoid laugh so loudly!!!!!!!!!
Untitled Post
It had rained the whole damned day and it still was, she had been on her own the whole damned day, enclosed in that cold, boring flat, and still she was.
She was laying down on the wood table in the dinning room staring at the ceiling, listening the rain pouring down as she thought of all the things she had got through (though perhaps not yet). She got up and jumped to the floor. she went towards the kitchen, she moved through the darkness with her bare feet. The blinds were closed, so she opened them and leant out by the window; the rain was still pouring down. Now she was staring at it When suddenly a drop of it slipped down her cheek; so she opened the window and sat down on its edge , then she fell from an eight floor.
Her body was drenched, but she hadn't to face those things anymore.
She was laying down on the wood table in the dinning room staring at the ceiling, listening the rain pouring down as she thought of all the things she had got through (though perhaps not yet). She got up and jumped to the floor. she went towards the kitchen, she moved through the darkness with her bare feet. The blinds were closed, so she opened them and leant out by the window; the rain was still pouring down. Now she was staring at it When suddenly a drop of it slipped down her cheek; so she opened the window and sat down on its edge , then she fell from an eight floor.
Her body was drenched, but she hadn't to face those things anymore.
Friday, January 26, 2007
The Blower's Daughter Video And The Blower's Daughter / Creep Live at Pukkelpop Fest By Damien Rice
I know I said the last video was going to close this session, but I found this, which has got a very special meanning for me. It also reminds me of you
I love you!
I love you!
Big Ideas (Nude) By Radiohead
This is the last for today. I want to thank Adyna for her message by the way. She made my day!
Day's Dawning.
I could scarcely open my eyes at five o' clock in the morning today. I got up as Icould, I was sleepy yet. It all took as twenty minutes. When finally I could stand up, I walked to the window through the darkness and I started looking for the lace to open the blinds but I couldn't find it. I found it only after... fifteen minutes. I opened the blinds and I Could see lots and lots of little yellow lights. I was watching the city from an eighth floor. It was beautiful.
I hadn't been able to sleep the whole damned night, and when finally I was getting asleep, I heard steps. My aunt was in the kitchen (I "slept" in the living room).
Note: I'm so sleepy right now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! so let's post a video. Gabriel (live) by Lamb (It hasn't got anything to do with.... well, you know)
What a beautiful song, what a beautiful voice, what a fucking beautiful girl!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And if you liked it, I'll post for you the studio version.
These clips are dedicated in their entirety to Denisse
I hadn't been able to sleep the whole damned night, and when finally I was getting asleep, I heard steps. My aunt was in the kitchen (I "slept" in the living room).
Note: I'm so sleepy right now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! so let's post a video. Gabriel (live) by Lamb (It hasn't got anything to do with.... well, you know)
What a beautiful song, what a beautiful voice, what a fucking beautiful girl!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And if you liked it, I'll post for you the studio version.
These clips are dedicated in their entirety to Denisse
Thursday, January 25, 2007
Some Funny Fragments From "Historia de cronopios y de famas" By Júlio Cortázar
These are some fragments from Historia de cronopios y de famas by Júlio Cortázar which I like. I hope you laugh until your heads come off!
Sus historias naturales.
León y cronopio
Un cronopio que anda por el desierto se encuentra con un león, y tiene lugar el diálogo siguiente:
León.-Te como.
Cronopio (afligidísimo pero con dignidad).-Y bueno.
León.-Ah, eso no. Nada de mártires conmigo. Échate a llorar, o lucha, una de dos. Así no te puedo comer. Vamos, estoy esperando. ¿No dices nada?
El cronopio no dice nada, y el león está perplejo, hasta que le viene una idea.
León.-Menos mal que tengo una espina en la mano izquierda que me fastidia mucho. Sácamela y te perdonaré.
El cronopio le saca la espina y el león se va, gruñendo de mala gana:
-Gracias, Androcles.
Cóndor y cronopio
Un cóndor cae como un rayo sobre un cronopio que pasa por Tinogasta, lo acorrala contra una pared de granito, y dice con gran petulancia, a saber:
Cóndor.-Atrévete a afirmar que no soy hermoso.
Cronopio.-Usted es el pájaro más hermoso que he visto nunca.
Cóndor.-Más todavía.
Cronopio.-Usted es más hermoso que el ave del paraíso.
Cóndor.-Atrévete a decir que no vuelo alto.
Cronopio.-Usted vuela a alturas vertiginosas, y es por completo supersónico y estratosférico.
Cóndor.-Atrévete a decir que huelo mal.
Cronopio.-Usted huele mejor que un litro entero de colonia jean-Marie Farina.
Cóndor.-Mierda de tipo. No deja ni un claro donde sacudirle un picotazo.
Un cronopio se recibe de médico y abre un consultorio en la calle Santiago del Estero. En seguida viene un enfermo y le cuenta cómo hay cosas que le duelen y cómo de noche no duerme y de día no come.
-Compre un gran ramo de rosas- dice el cronopio.
El enfermo se retira sorprendido, pero compra el ramo y se cura instantáneamente. Lleno de gratitud acude al cronopio, y además de pagarle le obsequia, fino testimonio, un hermoso ramo de rosas. Apenas se ha ido el cronopio cae enfermo, le duele por todos lados, de noche no duerme y de día no come.
Los exploradores
Tres cronopios y un fama se asocian espeleológicamente para descubrir las fuentes subterráneas de un manantial. Llegados a la boca de la caverna, un cronopio desciende sostenido por los otros, llevando a la espalda un paquete con sus sándwiches preferidos (de queso). Los dos cronopios-cabrestante lo dejan bajar poco a poco, y el fama escribe en un gran cuaderno los detalles de la expedición. Pronto llega un primer mensaje del cronopio: furioso porque se han equivocado y le han puesto sandwiches de jamón. Agita la cuerda, y exige que lo suban. Los cronopios-cabrestante se consultan afligidos, y el fama se yergue en toda su terrible estatura y dice: NO, con tal violencia que los cronopios sueltan la soga y acuden a calmarlo. Están en eso cuando llega otro mensaje, porque el cronopio ha caido justamente sobre las fuentes del manantial, y desde ahí comunica que todo va mal, entre injurias y lágrimas informa que los sándwiches son todos de jamon, que por más que mira y mira entre los sándwiches de jamón no hay ni uno solo de queso.
Source: http://nochetotem.com.ar/literatura/historiadecronoprin.htm
Sus historias naturales.
León y cronopio
Un cronopio que anda por el desierto se encuentra con un león, y tiene lugar el diálogo siguiente:
León.-Te como.
Cronopio (afligidísimo pero con dignidad).-Y bueno.
León.-Ah, eso no. Nada de mártires conmigo. Échate a llorar, o lucha, una de dos. Así no te puedo comer. Vamos, estoy esperando. ¿No dices nada?
El cronopio no dice nada, y el león está perplejo, hasta que le viene una idea.
León.-Menos mal que tengo una espina en la mano izquierda que me fastidia mucho. Sácamela y te perdonaré.
El cronopio le saca la espina y el león se va, gruñendo de mala gana:
-Gracias, Androcles.
Cóndor y cronopio
Un cóndor cae como un rayo sobre un cronopio que pasa por Tinogasta, lo acorrala contra una pared de granito, y dice con gran petulancia, a saber:
Cóndor.-Atrévete a afirmar que no soy hermoso.
Cronopio.-Usted es el pájaro más hermoso que he visto nunca.
Cóndor.-Más todavía.
Cronopio.-Usted es más hermoso que el ave del paraíso.
Cóndor.-Atrévete a decir que no vuelo alto.
Cronopio.-Usted vuela a alturas vertiginosas, y es por completo supersónico y estratosférico.
Cóndor.-Atrévete a decir que huelo mal.
Cronopio.-Usted huele mejor que un litro entero de colonia jean-Marie Farina.
Cóndor.-Mierda de tipo. No deja ni un claro donde sacudirle un picotazo.
Un cronopio se recibe de médico y abre un consultorio en la calle Santiago del Estero. En seguida viene un enfermo y le cuenta cómo hay cosas que le duelen y cómo de noche no duerme y de día no come.
-Compre un gran ramo de rosas- dice el cronopio.
El enfermo se retira sorprendido, pero compra el ramo y se cura instantáneamente. Lleno de gratitud acude al cronopio, y además de pagarle le obsequia, fino testimonio, un hermoso ramo de rosas. Apenas se ha ido el cronopio cae enfermo, le duele por todos lados, de noche no duerme y de día no come.
Los exploradores
Tres cronopios y un fama se asocian espeleológicamente para descubrir las fuentes subterráneas de un manantial. Llegados a la boca de la caverna, un cronopio desciende sostenido por los otros, llevando a la espalda un paquete con sus sándwiches preferidos (de queso). Los dos cronopios-cabrestante lo dejan bajar poco a poco, y el fama escribe en un gran cuaderno los detalles de la expedición. Pronto llega un primer mensaje del cronopio: furioso porque se han equivocado y le han puesto sandwiches de jamón. Agita la cuerda, y exige que lo suban. Los cronopios-cabrestante se consultan afligidos, y el fama se yergue en toda su terrible estatura y dice: NO, con tal violencia que los cronopios sueltan la soga y acuden a calmarlo. Están en eso cuando llega otro mensaje, porque el cronopio ha caido justamente sobre las fuentes del manantial, y desde ahí comunica que todo va mal, entre injurias y lágrimas informa que los sándwiches son todos de jamon, que por más que mira y mira entre los sándwiches de jamón no hay ni uno solo de queso.
Source: http://nochetotem.com.ar/literatura/historiadecronoprin.htm
Special K Live at MCM
I'm so happy because I've found these songs. I had them in a CD, but I lent it and they never gave it back to me; it was... three years ago I guess. Anyway I already found them!!!!!!
Everything's Not Lost
Well, I guess Sara is right about my average, it is not that low (thanx for that!), so I will stop being sad because I´ll get better this term.
I want to thank Sara for that comment, I also want to thank Karina because she does know about music!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And I want to thank Denisse for always being with me. I love you!
Because I'm so Happy now, let's post a video. Doesn't matter if Sara doesn't like it! (I love you Sara!) Cowboys by Portishead. Live in Roseland NYC
I want to thank Sara for that comment, I also want to thank Karina because she does know about music!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And I want to thank Denisse for always being with me. I love you!
Because I'm so Happy now, let's post a video. Doesn't matter if Sara doesn't like it! (I love you Sara!) Cowboys by Portishead. Live in Roseland NYC
Monday, January 22, 2007
Untitled Post
I have stopped reading. I just... I feel sad, I used to read during the night; but night is also time to fight against my inner demmons, which don't let me sleep and instead, keep me thinking of things that could be...
I must say that I've already seen my average and it is not as high as I expected. This may be one of the reasons for my sadness, but there is another which I won't mention here because it may cause problems to me.... but some of you know who I'm talking about. Thank you for reading...
NOTE: I'm so sad that I haven't even titled this post, so to fight against this sadness let's post a video ok? Like Spinning Plates live @ Bridge School Benefit 2002.
That's how I feel.
I must say that I've already seen my average and it is not as high as I expected. This may be one of the reasons for my sadness, but there is another which I won't mention here because it may cause problems to me.... but some of you know who I'm talking about. Thank you for reading...
NOTE: I'm so sad that I haven't even titled this post, so to fight against this sadness let's post a video ok? Like Spinning Plates live @ Bridge School Benefit 2002.
That's how I feel.
Saturday, January 20, 2007
Friday, January 19, 2007
The Life of an Imaginary Guy
Andrew Cohen walked onthe pavement under a purple, cloudless evening sky. He uses to walk during the evening among lots of people. He liked trying to recognize someone in their faces; most of the time he had to go back home tired and sad because he had found no one to talk with, instead, he had to turn the TV on and think about tomorrow 'till he was sleepy; but he never was.
He spent the whole night listening music which created imaginary situations in which he achieved things he couldn't achieve when he was not in bed....
He spent the whole night listening music which created imaginary situations in which he achieved things he couldn't achieve when he was not in bed....
Death Around Us?
Some days ago, my mother told me she had dreamt me dead. She told me that she had seen me laying down.... Today I dreamt my father dead. Should I worry? I don't know. Now is my father's turn, Who will he dream about?
Thursday, January 18, 2007
Sunday, January 14, 2007
I'm Afraid
To be honest, I don't want to back to school. Though I'm optimistic about my marks, that's not what I am afraid of. I am afraid of the people. It seems that I have spent so much time isolated from people and now that I have to come back, I'm so afraid. I seem to have lost the flavour
I'm even afraid of my friends!
I'm even afraid of my friends!
Saturday, January 13, 2007
Where to be?
I cannot understand myself. I hate being here, but when I was in Veracruz, I really wanted to be here, now, I'm here and I want to gho back there, but I also want to go to Lindavista where my brother is, but I know I'm going to be bored there. The University represents another alternative, but I know I'm going to hate it soon. So, where to be...?
Wednesday, January 10, 2007
Epilogue to Through the Looking-Glass
A boat, beneath a sunny sky,
Lingering onward dreamily
In an evening of July -
Children three that nestle near,
Eager eye and willing ear,
Pleased a simple tale to hear -
Long has paled that sunny sky:
Echoes fade and memories die:
Autumn frosts have slain July.
She still haunts me, phantomwise,
Alice moving under skies
Never seen by waking eyes.
Children yet, the tale to hear,
Eager eye and willing ear,
Lovingly shall nestle near.
In Wonderland they lie,
Dreaming as the days go by,
Dreaming as the summers die:
Ever drifting down the stream -
Lingering in the golden gleam -
Life, what is it but a dream?
Note that the whole name of Alice: Alice Pleasance Liddell is spelled out through the epilogue.
Source: http://mural.uv.es/anma/bioalice.htm
Lingering onward dreamily
In an evening of July -
Children three that nestle near,
Eager eye and willing ear,
Pleased a simple tale to hear -
Long has paled that sunny sky:
Echoes fade and memories die:
Autumn frosts have slain July.
She still haunts me, phantomwise,
Alice moving under skies
Never seen by waking eyes.
Children yet, the tale to hear,
Eager eye and willing ear,
Lovingly shall nestle near.
In Wonderland they lie,
Dreaming as the days go by,
Dreaming as the summers die:
Ever drifting down the stream -
Lingering in the golden gleam -
Life, what is it but a dream?
Note that the whole name of Alice: Alice Pleasance Liddell is spelled out through the epilogue.
Source: http://mural.uv.es/anma/bioalice.htm
Carroll and Cortázar
Reading Rayuela, I could realize that Júlio Cortázar shares some viewpoints with Lewis Carroll, they both seem to believe that objectivity can be reached by being subjective (open minded) as I already wrote with Carroll.
On the other hand Cortázar talks about chaos, he said chaos is a way to reach a new order, we can see it in the character of la Maga, who doesn't seem to care about anything, she just lives her life carelessly, she ignores that everything has got a reason. She just didn't care. She contrasts with Morelli, who is an intellectual enclosed in his attempts to understand life, trapped in them. La Maga represents the madness which Morelli lacks, becausehe believes that the reason is the only route to achieve his goals. That´s the objectivity wrongly applied which Carroll talks about.
On the other hand Cortázar talks about chaos, he said chaos is a way to reach a new order, we can see it in the character of la Maga, who doesn't seem to care about anything, she just lives her life carelessly, she ignores that everything has got a reason. She just didn't care. She contrasts with Morelli, who is an intellectual enclosed in his attempts to understand life, trapped in them. La Maga represents the madness which Morelli lacks, becausehe believes that the reason is the only route to achieve his goals. That´s the objectivity wrongly applied which Carroll talks about.
The Hidden Face of Alice
At first sight, the Alice saga seems to be only a couple of stories for children. It is due to the fantastic characters, but it is really a differrent way to see the things. Being Carroll a typic, nineteenth century Englishman, he had to keep the shape that the society wanted to see, in fact, Carroll was extremely rationalist man and he loved mathematics. He wrote various textbooks about it. But he was also a dreamer and he developed a different way to reach objectivity, through subjectivity: he thought you couldn't just try to only see things with objectivity; if so, you wouldn't understand them. first it is necesary to try to find diverse ways to apreciate things, it is necesary to be open minded, only then you would be able to understand and to see everything objectively. This is what Carroll tries to say with the Alice saga. Alice is so curious, she is always wondering about everything, she feels restricted by the society which she lives in, so she finds a refuge in fantasy, but it is not just fantasy. Alice has just dicovered the hidden face of everything. Carroll states that only children are able to discover it because they think with their whole being and not only with their brain, Children are thought to be immature, but Carroll states that this imaturity is really their open mind. from that viewpoint, adults must be a little immature (pure, but this is impossible) in order to reach objectivity. If we think we are mature and objective, it only means that ignorance has never left us. Tryng to be objective without being a little subjectibe before, is useless. It may be the reason for the success of the literature, of writers; they use to be so objective though some of them write fantastic stories, that's the key.
I Need Help!!!!!!!
During a boring noon, I was laying down on the floor of my cosin's bedroom ('cos he was using his bed). We were watching MTV. I don't use to watch programmes like Chicas arriba, I don't even like them; but this time we had nothing to do at all, so we didn't care. The matter of the fact is that... well, first of all, it was Shakira who was presenting those videos, when I realized, I was about to turn the TV off ('cos my cosin was already sleeping and I was also about to fall asleep), but when I heard that she was going to present videos by Björk, Sherley Crow, Annie Lennox, Tori Amos! I just petrified and waited... It was a video in which Tori is a leg and the boy is an arm, and they meet in the street, but then she goes.... they meet again in the beach, they kiss each other and they turn into complete persons. If you know it could you tell me the name of this song? Thanx!
Portishead to launch new CD?!
Though they have uploaded two new songs to their My Space, they have denied this possibility. Then, What these two new songs for? Let's wait anyway... In the meantime, could anyone who likes Portished send to me their My Space?
Source: Reactor 105.7 FM
Source: Reactor 105.7 FM
Monday, January 08, 2007
Alice or Christina? (I)
I know this will sound so fool, but I couldn't avoid thinking about Christina when reading Alice's Adventures in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass. The tender image of Alice (though Alice is a seven-year-old little girl), the way she is, so fragile (definitely Alice is not that fragile and she is so curious).
On the other hand, Christina. I think she is the same way Alice is, I don't know, but I think they both share something. You should read about Alice and you should also know Christina and perhaps you would understand me.... though I had lots of more things to say about it, I can't do it now because I've got neither time nor money so I have to leave, but please wait for the next part of this post...
On the other hand, Christina. I think she is the same way Alice is, I don't know, but I think they both share something. You should read about Alice and you should also know Christina and perhaps you would understand me.... though I had lots of more things to say about it, I can't do it now because I've got neither time nor money so I have to leave, but please wait for the next part of this post...
Sunday, January 07, 2007
After the Trip
I thought I had lots of things to say, even yesterday while in the bus, with a huge headache, I was trying to organize them but it was useless. Now I can't remember anything about it.
One of the most important things I had to do here was to apologize because the week I spent in Veracruz wasn't that bad. In fact, I miss it.
I just arrived today at 8:00.in the morning, since then, my headache hasn't left me alone. The truth is that here, everything is so cold and sad. Perhaps that's why I felt deep indide of me something that didn't want to come back. Though I know my life is here I want to leave it and start again..... I don't know, perhaps I just feel this way while I get used. Time will tell
One of the most important things I had to do here was to apologize because the week I spent in Veracruz wasn't that bad. In fact, I miss it.
I just arrived today at 8:00.in the morning, since then, my headache hasn't left me alone. The truth is that here, everything is so cold and sad. Perhaps that's why I felt deep indide of me something that didn't want to come back. Though I know my life is here I want to leave it and start again..... I don't know, perhaps I just feel this way while I get used. Time will tell
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